Andrew Anzalone, MD, PhD
Andrew Anzalone is a Senior Scientist and Head of the Prime Editing Platform at Prime Medicine, Inc. where he aspires to change the practice of medicine through prime editing.
As a postdoc at the Broad Institute, Anzalone helped make a key advance in how CRISPR could edit genomes. Last year, he and his colleagues unveiled what they called “prime editing,” which allows CRISPR to swap any one of the “letters” that make up DNA for another.
The technique also allows scientists to insert or delete stretches of DNA more efficiently than previous CRISPR systems, making it a potentially powerful tool for treating diseases that involve these genetic misspellings.
Anzalone earned his Ph.D. at Columbia University, New York in the lab of Virginia Cornish, who was a graduate student alongside David Liu in the lab of professor Peter Schultz at Berkeley.